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[PAYING] online investment game with real money withdrawal.

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[PAYING] online investment game with real money withdrawal. Empty [PAYING] online investment game with real money withdrawal.

Post by OwElko Fri 07 Feb 2020, 6:05 pm

This is a platform that has existed since 2013 and is supposedly a way to make money online by playing a game

you get a small joining bonus when you first sign up.

You get 1 green bird, 300 silver coins, and then you get another 20 coins if you take the short guided tour right after joining.
This will not get you a lot but at least you can get started and get a few birds without having to invest.

As the name implies, the game is about having a kind of farm. So one of the main things is to buy birds.

Overall, the concept can be explained in 4 steps – you buy birds, they lay eggs, you sell the eggs for silver coins, and you exchange the silver coins for real cash.
The more you pay for a bird, the more eggs it lays. The cheapest bird you can get will cost you 150 silver coins and the most expensive 375000 silver coins. Once you have bought the birds, they will automatically start laying eggs. As mentioned, the more expensive birds will lay more eggs.

To be able to use your eggs for real money or for buying more birds, you need to collect the eggs and then sell them.

To do this you go to the egg warehouse.
the birds keep laying eggs every minute – also when you are not actively using the platform, so you do not have to spend a lot of time to get the eggs.
If you do not feel like investing in buying birds, you can earn a bit through the daily bonus.
It is very simple and fast to get this bonus. You just simply click a button.
Right away you will then get a bonus into your account. The bonus will be between 10-100 silver coins and it will be random how many you get.
You can get this bonus once every 24 hours. It is very fast so if you are actively using Golden Farm Biz, it might be worth using this option for a few free silver coins every day.

Sign Up right now
and get +300 silver coins as a gift

Mensagens : 6
Data de inscrição : 2017-02-01
Idade : 33
Localização : nowhere

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